Reinhart Trailer Sales to Feature Trailer Line at Brampton Fall Fair

Caledon, Ontario, AUGUST 30, 2012 Reinhart Trailer Sales is excited to showcase a portion of its current trailer line at the Brampton Fall Fair, September 13-16, 2012. Haulers to be featured at the fair will include Triton utility trailers and cargo trailers. Fair goers will be able to view the Carmate SST trailer and the Carmate Sportster. This is a great opportunity for farmers, recreation enthusiasts, landscapers and contractors to inspect trailers from the Moritz commercial line. For those that like the lines but are looking for different trailer sizes for different uses, attendees are encouraged to visit the Reinhart Trailer Sales lot, located just five minutes from the fair grounds at 11 Wiggins Road in Caldedon, just off Highway 10, South of King Road across from John’s Family Restaurant.

“We’re excited to be able to showcase a few of our top trailers again at this year’s Brampton Fall Fair,” states Donald Reinhart, long-time owner of Reinhart Trailer Sales. “We love attending the fair and just wouldn’t miss it!” Reinhart Trailer Sales has attended the fair for years and finds it another way to make viewing trailers convenient for those who are looking to upgrade their current trailer or purchase a new one.

If you’re looking to learn more about the Triton 2013 Trailer line, be sure to attend the Annual International Snowmobile, ATV and PowerSports Show at the International Centre in Toronto October 19 – 21, 2012. Donald Reinhart, Jr., along with Triton Trailers will be unveiling their newest Trailer line at the show.

For more information about trailers and upcoming events, visit the Reinhart Trailer Sales website at

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